We recently exhibited at the International Woodworking Fair in Atlanta, GA. As a team, we were surprised at the number of current customers who attended and the good number of new prospects we were able to meet with. It was a far better show for us than expected.
While primarily a materials and machinery fair, it was encouraging to see the finish manufacturers showing a lot of semi-transparent stains in browns, grey, and whites. This follows other information we have seen where looks are not all white and grey painted cabinets, a look which has been with us for a while. In meetings with coatings providers, some are developing excellent new tools allowing consumers to look at finishes on all different species, including Alder. As online shopping has made its presence known for nearly all goods, advanced tools, often using AI, are being built to view cabinet styles, colors, paint, and countertops in your own setting.
It is also interesting to see the tools manufacturers and distributors create to showcase their goods. While there was a huge focus on digital, as that is the initial point where consumers begin to narrow down choices, more and more companies realize the tactile nature of real hardwoods helps consumers choose hardwoods over competitive offerings. For Cascade, we recognize the importance of seeing what flexibility Alder can offer on actual wood in an attractive brochure. We are creating the Cascade Alder Advantage Idea Book that we are targeting for an early October release. The Alder Advantage book will cover Alder grades and different stains, reflecting the flexibility of Alder, and will give custom cabinet and furniture makers important points about Alder being one of the most environmentally friendly and sustainably harvested temperate hardwoods. Stay tuned for more info.
IWF Follow-Up – Observations and Encouraging Trends
Aug 27, 2024